Sunday, December 12, 2010

Running Out of Tape!

Heh, did you think I was going to say, that I'm running out of my sanity?! That happened a long time ago! But if Mommy doesn't hurry up and get busy wrapping presents for everyone, she won't have any tape left! Henry and Emma have taken it upon themselves to start "wrapping" presents(some of their small toys) and putting them under the tree. We don't normally put presents under the tree until late Christmas Eve. Otherwise, paper ends up shredded either by Boots(our cat) or curious little people. These two little elves are going through my scotch tape supply like there is no tomorrow. Check out that mile long piece of tape that they are using to wrap that one little gift! I shouldn't complain, this is one of the very rare moments as of late, when they have been nice to each other and gotten along for more than five minutes.

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