Sunday, December 12, 2010

Christmas Crafts

I picked up several Christmas ornament kits at the store the other day. My original intent was to do them over Christmas break, but I changed my mind. Sunday afternoons in the Fall are filled with NFL football games since Daddy plays fantasy football. Sometimes we all watch together, but as you might have already noticed, five year olds don't have very long attention spans and have to be in constant motion. Our kids are no different:) So I try to have a few fun things planned for our time together on those afternoons. Sometimes we watch a movie, paint, color, play games, play outside, etc. Mommy was a bum and opted to take the easy option, but since they didn't know I had these fun things stashed away for Christmas break, they didn't care and had fun anyway! So I'll see what else I can find or come up with for us to do during the two week break. If anybody has any ideas, leave a comment.

Emma with her felt tree ornament.
Henry with his finished felt tree ornament.
Henry showing off his snowman ornament. If you look closely, you can see that the snowman's eyes are kinda crooked and silly looking, just like someone else I know;)
She says that snowmen are her favorite. Perhaps she's taking after her Nana who has a huge collection of snowmen that she decorates the house with at Christmas time!
Her favorite part on the penguin door hanger was the sparklie hat:)
I didn't notice this when I took the picture, but poor little penguin hanger, he's about to be chomped by the shark! Too funny!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Love the ornaments and I love the new haircuts! All very cute!