Henry hunted bugs for almost the full 2 hours that we were at the park yesterday. Here he is building a house for a ladybug.

Giving me a handsome smile.

We had a family of six join us and join in the bug hunt, building ladybug houses, and playing.

Emma is dealing with some allergies and was worn out yesterday. she played with the other kids, but was quiet which is unlike her. She's normally a social butterfly. It seems bubbie took that role yesterday.

She zoned out right in the middle of everything...off in her own little world.

The kids managed to catch this huge grasshopper! I think this is the biggest one yet.

Henry kept it and the grasshopper is being taken care of with great care.

Emma defying gravity. Each time we come to the park, she tries to go higher on the monkey bars and other play equipment.

She wanted to go higher, but fear won out this time around.

He never leaves home without at least one bug catcher.

You have to raise your hands above your head for the full slide experience. I've been told that the ride down is so much better if you put your hands in the air!

Her frown or look of concentration quickly turned into a smile on the way down.
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