Some of the swelling has gone down, but we still have a ways to go. And his little face is now starting to turn different colors.

He slept through the night last night and woke up at regular time this morning, but was saying that he was in pain again. So I gave him some Ibuprofen and got the ice pack out and sat down with him and we talked quietly since the rest of the family were still asleep. He hasn't really complained about it that much except when it is time to ice for 20 minutes as instructed by the doctor. He doesn't like it AT ALL. I think he is tolerating it because we get to cuddle and even though he might not admit it, I think he still likes his cuddles with me and Daddy. He took a hot shower last night to try and loosen up the dried blood in his nose, but then didn't tolerate me for too long gently using q-tips to pull it out. We will be repeating that step again tonight. I'm sure it's uncomfortable and he will be able to breath better. I checked on him several times last night after they finally went to sleep to make sure he was okay. So for today and tomorrow, we are taking it easy and laying low here at the house. This morning we took turns playing his HotWheels game on his Nintendo DS lite, we watched Marmaduke, played carefully outside, and are now watching some Scooby. As a distraction while doing his ice treatment this afternoon, we called and he and Emma talked with Aunt Suza and that helped a little. If the swelling doesn't continue to go down, then Monday we will take him into see Dr. K and see if she can refer us to an ear, nose, throat doctor. If it ends up that we do have to see an ENT then they will drain the remaining blood that is causing the swelling. So we are hoping and working on getting the swelling down. Oh and Henry has several questions for me this morning.
1) "Mommy, will nose gonna be huge forever?"
2) "Will I ever feel better?"
3) "Do I look different?"
4) "Do I have to go to school on Monday? And are the other kids going to laugh at me again?"
5) "Are we going back to the emergency place?"
6) "Do I get to see that doctor again?"
My answers were-
1) "No buddy, your nose will not be huge forever. It will look like your nose again. It's just going to take some time."
2) "I hope you feel better really soon because Mommy doesn't like it when you are hurt or feel bad."
3) "You look a little different and that's okay. You will look like yourself again just try to be patient."
4) "Yes, you do have to go back to school on Monday unless we have to see the doctor. And Mommy will ask Mrs. Alana and Ms. Laura to talk to yours and Emma's classmates and ask that they not laugh at you because it isn't funny."-I'm pretty sure the kids have already been talked to, but I'll put in a word on Monday morning.
5) "I hope that we don't have to go back to the emergency place again."
6) "No, you won't be seeing that doctor again, but she was very nice wasn't she?"
Oh and I'm a sucker, yeah, I let both kiddos have ice cream for dinner last night.
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