He's looking better, but now his little face is all discolored due to bruising. The swelling is going down(thank goodness) and he says that he is feeling better. Last night after a hot shower, we very carefully cleaned out the dried blood in his nose. I did it as quickly and as gently as possible, but we still ended up with a sobbing little boy. It took everything I had not to break down crying while doing it. I did end up balling after I was done and we cuddled and once he calmed down, he understood and did say that his nose felt better not having the yuck inside of it. He's still congested, but I'm sure that is because he hasn't had his daily allergy nasal spray since Friday morning. Honestly, I'm scared to death to try and attempt that right now. He's sleeping through the night, but I have had to stay in with him until he drifts off to sleep. And I'm checking on him several more times a night than normal(I know, I'm paranoid). The only difference that I can hear is louder snoring on his part:) He will be going to school tomorrow, but with instructions to play very carefully. And I need to email both teachers and ask if they will talk to the other kids about not teasing and laughing at him since he looks different. That is his main concern about going back to class.
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