Friday night before we left for the Madrigal Dinner. This was before her haircut. It's a very rare thing for her to allow anyone to put anything in her hair, but she did let her Aunt Suza put a barrette in this time to keep her hair out of her eyes.

On our walk with Papa. Henry throwing some sticks into the creek down below.

Emma watching as Henry throws sticks into the creek below. The city recently rebuilt this bridge and it was finally finished so we checked it out on the way back to the house.

One of the other bridges in the neighborhood was decorated with lights, bows, and decorations. So Papa and I got a shot of each kiddo with a huge piece of candy.

Emma wanted her picture taken with each decoration, but we had to keep moving so that we could make it back to the house in time.

Mommy's old street. Mom and Dad's home will always be home to me.

Almost back at the house. We did a mile with Papa. He does a mile every day now-part of his therapy. The kids loved it!

Holding the Richardson water tower up. Using all their might!

I'm biased, but aren't they super cute?!
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