Friday was an early release day for the kiddos. We played at home for a little bit and then decided to walk down to the park and play for a bit. We've had some really beautiful weather lately so we wanted to enjoy it! Get ready because I took A LOT of pictures and have posted quite a few.

"You can do it sissy!"

Me and my shadow.

Emma never actually got up on the swing. We're still working on it. It would seem she and Henry flipped again. Now Emma is scared of heights and Henry is fine with them.

Playing ice cream shop.

We be jammin' in the Bahamas. Mr. Rob and Mrs. Deborah brought back some gifts for us. Henry got a stuffed seahorse and this t-shirt.

Ice cream shop again.

Yippee, it's early release day!!! More time to play!

Emma trying one of the sets of monkey bars.

Racing each other to the top of the slides.

Look at how tall Emma is getting. She is all leg.

Sliding down the slides is one of his favorite things to do at the park.

Henry found what we believe is a squirrel's home. Nobody was home, they were all out gathering nuts from the pecan trees in the area.

Zoning out. Emma was starting to get tired right about then.

She used all of her might to hold on tight. Who knew that I'd give birth to two little monkeys?!

Checking out the lay of the land from a higher vantage point.

He climber up all on his own. This is a big accomplishment for him. His fear of heights seems to be going away.

Emma wasn't to sure about it though even after the pep talk from Henry and Mommy.

Chasing after her brother who zoomed by me just a few second s before this shot.

Henry being chased by Emma.

Happy to be at the park and on the twisty slide:)

Henry chasing some squirrels while Emma takes a short break from running.

"See sissy, this is how you do it! Come on, you can do it!"

Sliding one of her all time favorite activities at the park.

Zooming down the slide!

Racing to the top. Almost all of their activities have now turned into a competition. Luckily this time, it was full of giggles and not screaming at each other.

He kept climbing to the point were the picture ends on the left and then would ask me to help him down. He'd slip his legs thru in between the bars and I'd put him over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes:)

Static slide hair!

In the front yard at home enjoying some treats from Aunt Suza and loving the beautiful weather.
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