Saturday, September 07, 2013

Growing Up Way Too Fast

Untitled by courberogue31
Untitled, a photo by courberogue31 on Flickr.

Maybe it is just because life has been crazy busy the past four months, but the last few weeks, when I have had a minute to sit down, I've been watching these two. Just look at how big they are getting. Both of them are almost as tall as I am(ahem, zip it for those who know me, tall is a state of mind too, ya know). Their sweet baby, toddler, little kid faces are quickly changing. Emma's legs are super long and henry's dirty blonde is starting to darken to a light brown. They are becoming more and more independent(kind of nice, kind of missing their needing me for certain things). We've been so busy and so tired with the recent move, the new job, starting school, that I feel like I have missed so much. The good thing is, we are taking more time to enjoy out few hours a day together that are not school and work hours. They know how very much they are loved and how very proud of them we are. I'm enjoying my sub gig, but also looking forward to just being Mom and Wife.

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