Monday, August 12, 2013

Move Update

Just a brief update.  We began the move last Wednesday by moving boxes over from storage to the new apartment.  With my dad's help, I was able to unpack most of the kitchen and odds and ends here and there.  My mom was suppose to come, but had a bad night so opted to stay home.  Dad helped a lot and we appreciate all of his help.  Thursday morning the movers came and loaded up the truck while Jason and I loaded our truck.  My aunt took the kids for the day which later became an overnight stay.  She was a life saver.  They made it back home in time to turn around and go on a play date for a good portion of the day on Friday.  Jason and I took it easy on Friday and unpacked some more at the new place.  Saturday morning Yaya/Aunt Amy and cousin Elysabeth came to get the kids for the day and took them out to lunch and then to the Perot museum.  Then they were dropped off at Papa and Nana's for an overnight stay.  Jason and I left to pack up the truck and start cleaning at the rental house on Saturday and on Sunday packed more.  We decided to hire someone to do the final cleaning.  Luckily, I know someone that will do the job well and who's rates are fair.  Somehow, the kids talked their grandparents into letting them stay over a second night and the kids came home this morning.  Jason returned to work this morning and throughout this week we will return to the house and load up the truck another 2-3 more times and squeeze whatever else we can into storage and the rest will come home with us and be stored somewhere.  I think we will manage it somehow.  We have a lot of closet space and will us every bit of it.  I have to say that this move has really wiped us out.  Jason and I are extremely tired, but are hanging in there.   So we may end up living out of a few boxes for a little longer than I had planned.  It is what it is.  So the new apartment reveal may take a while longer.

I must stop and say that without the help of family and friends, this would have been an even harder move than it already has been.

Granny and Aunt Rachel and the boys drove straight through from WA to help out with Aunt Lisa and then made the drive down here to spend several hours with us before having to head back.  It was a trip that probably was not in their budget, but they came anyway and I can't tell you what a treat and spirit boost that was.  Due to this move, we were not able to go up on vacation for a visit with all of our WA family and OK family and were very upset by that fact.

Papa and Nana and Aunt Suza and Philip had the kids over for a week of VBS(vacation Bible school) and other fun activities.  Papa helped with the first part of the move on Wednesday and if schedules allow will help with the last bit later this week/weekend.  And they also just had them over again for a couple of days.

My Aunt Linda, who is now only about 5-10 minutes away, took the kids for the day and then overnight, so that we could continue to stay focused on getting the move done.  And we know that if we need help with the kids again, we can call her.  They had an absolutely fantastic time with her and she said that she had a lot of fun.

Our friend, Ashlea, volunteered her time the weekend before the move which was her last free weekend before school starts, to help haul boxes to our storage unit.  She stuck with me even with my horrible non-existing direction skills, lugged boxes in triple digit heat, and has offered words of encouragement along the way.

Yaya and Elysabeth have kept the kids entertained and busy on and off during move prep and after so that we could get things settled and situated here at our new place.

We have family and friends near and far that have given words of encouragement and who have been praying and continue to pray for us.  Keep them coming please.  We still feel like we are living in limbo, but the goal is to have everything moved by this weekend.  Once that is done, I'm sure we'll feel a lot better.

I will update with pictures as soon as I have time.  Just wanted to drop in and let you all know that we are still alive.  This move has just taken more time than what we thought it would.

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