Thursday, August 01, 2013

Last Major Project Prior to the Move

Untitled by courberogue31
Untitled, a photo by courberogue31 on Flickr.

This is what happens when you put off organizing the garage. One of my last big jobs to do this week before the move was to get the garage ready to go. First off, no we are not hoarders! The boxes to the left of the tool cabinet are all empty and just needed to be broken down. Some of the stuff up front is from Science Day and other stuff we are storing for family. It took me two days in triple digit heat to get it done, but it is done and a set of boxes went to storage this morning. A REALLY major purge will happen before our next move since we all know this one isn't the last. I am really leaning towards the less is more concept the older I get. That and all this mess makes me twitchy.

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