Thursday, July 25, 2013

Kids' Rooms Packed Up

Untitled by courberogue31
Untitled, a photo by courberogue31 on Flickr.

We have been kid free since Saturday afternoon. The kids are over at Papa and Nana's with Aunt Suza enjoying a week of VBS(vacation Bible school), a visit with Ms. Lucy for haircuts, a movie date, and the rodeo tomorrow night. While they are on a mini vacation, Jason and I have been busy with more packing, acquiring a storage unit, and hunting for a place to live. Looks like we will be shrinking down again and returning to apartment living for the next year, maybe two. We found a fairly new complex really close to work and school and have toured and filled out paperwork and are waiting to get the final okay. Hope to hear the news by end of day today or tomorrow at the latest. We also took over a truck load of boxes and will most likely do another run tomorrow. The kitchen, our room, and living room are pretty much done too. Once we get the official call, movers will get called, and utilities, etc will start getting arranged for the new place. Will do my best to update as we go. Busy, busy.

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