Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Literature Festival 2013

March 8th was not only early release, but the yearly Literature Festival at school.  Aunt Suza and cousin Catie graciously came and helped out with the booths and taking pictures during the event.  I was also in charge of photography and getting things set up, volunteers to their stations, and then cleaning up afterwards.  It started off kind of crazy, but worked out.

Last year, as Kindergartners, the kids dressed as Nursery Rhyme characters.  This year as, 1st graders, the kids dressed as fairy tale characters.  Each kiddo had to do a short presentation in front of their class.  They has to tell who their character was, the fairy tale that they appeared in, a short summary of the story, and talk about their costume.

Henry went as Rumpelstiltskin.   He copied the outfit of the animated character that they watched in class.  His Rumpelstiltskin wore a green tunic, blue pants, and purple shoes(H didn't wear purple shoes).  He carried a large walking stick since he was an old man and I made a spinning wheel for him to carry for his presentation.

Emma went as Princess Aurora/Sleeping Beauty.  She wore the dress that Granny bought her at Disneyland when we all went for the twins' 5th bday.  I made her crown out of sparklie foam paper that I had in my art class/craft bin.  And as you can see in the pictures, this will probably be the last  school event that she can wear it to because she has grown so much.

It was a great day and everyone had a really good time!

And I'd like to once again thank Catie and Suza for coming out to help!

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