Monday, August 20, 2012


So for a while now since the kids are getting older and the "privacy" issue has come into play, the kids have been taking separate baths.  These days, baths are playtime and not get clean time.  We prefer showers for that.  Well the other day, Emma had gone in to take a bath and had not stayed in for too long and the water was still pretty warm.  Henry had asked if he could take a bath when she was done and I said yes.

When I told him to go ahead and get in the tub without draining it or adding more water, he freaked out and said,  "No Mooom, I can't get in the tub with THAT water!"

"What do you mean, buddy?"-me

"That's , "Emma Water"  and it has germs in it"-H

I kindly explained to him that I would not be refilling the tub with "new" water because it would be a waste.

He did get in the tube, but grumbled all the way:)

So  it would seem that we have hit the beginning of the cootie stage.  And are also back to the she's touching me, he's breathing my air problem.

I don't clearly remember if I did a whole bunch of that with my siblings, but I'm sure Nana(my mom) would correct me on that.  And I know that Jason did the picking on his younger sisters thing because I've heard the stories from both sides.

For the most part, they get along, but then we have these short(although they don't seem short at the time) periods of time when they can't stand each other and complain and tattle on each other about everything.  And I know at this point that it is because they have been together all Summer and are ready to see their friends.

Emma Water, that just cracks me up:)

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