Thursday, April 07, 2011


I remember back in the day, Kindergarten was all about pretend play, getting use to being away from your mom and dad for half the day or the entire day depending on where you lived, and learning a daily routine.  It was simple, an extra long play date or perhaps my memory is failing me at the moment.

Present day-homework includes some of these things-learning the alphabet verbally, writing the alphabet, and knowing your letter sounds, your vowels, upper and lower case letters, some addition and subtraction,  coins and their value, colors, shapes, numbers, opposites, patterns, some reading, etc.  Oh and I forgot to mention, spelling tests, sight words(vocabulary words), and various arts and crafts.

It's a big deal!  We've been doing Kindergarten homework everyday(sometimes on weekends too) since the second week of school.  It hasn't been until now, the last 60 or so days left in the school year, that I think we somewhat dread homework time.  The dread rears its ugly head when we sit down and begin the process after snack time everyday.  By this time the kids are worn out and it's hard some days to get them to focus and stay focused.  It's true what they say about the morning hours being the best time for kiddos to learn.  Their brains are alert and ready to absorb all sorts of information.  After school they are drained of most of their energy and  have no interest in sitting down and learning more.

So when I say this, well, it's not really a complaint, it's just kind of venting a a beware notice to any other twin mommy and daddies that read our blog, homework has turned into schmomework.  It's like a dirty word almost.  I'm hoping that this is just one of those, "I'm 6 yrs old now and wanting to test my boundaries again" type thing because I am running out of ways to keep it interesting for them.

Luckily, Henry and Emma's teachers, remember they are in separate K classes, have been really wonderful.  They have given us ideas on how and what to mix up so that the kids remain interested.  And we are working closely with them and this seems to have helped.   Summer vacation is right around the corner, but we won't be stopping in our learning/homework process.  So I am on a mission to find new material and new ways of presenting what H and E need to learn and retain over the Summer.

For now, homework is know as schmomework around here.  Let's hope that changes:)

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