This is the administration building/head office of Treetops.

A picture of the sign posted over the bridge from the office to the lower grade buildings. It would seem that the troll that lives under the bridge is a nice fellow. He lets us cross over all the time:)

This is on one of many playgrounds on the school campus. It's the first-third grade playground, but now and then the Kindergarten classes go over and play.

Henry has mastered the spiderweb rope climb and was proud to show off his skills. Emma skipped her monkey bar demo because the bars were really cold.

The school doesn't have a cafeteria. All the kids and teachers carry their lunches daily and this is where the Kindergarten classes and 1st grade normally eat every day. If weather doesn't permit, they head over to the gym which is a short walk and eat inside and then have recess.

This is to the left of the picnic tables. The K playground wraps around the building.

Inside Henry's classroom. This is part of the daily morning routine of counting to one hundred-1-100, by 5s,10s 20s, etc. This is also the calender area. They talk about the days of the week, the seasons, etc. Behind Henry is their coin chart. They are also learning about the different values of the coins.

Both classes have station tables for different activities. This is the sight word table in Henry's class. This is looking in from the doorway entering his classroom.

This is in Emma's class. This is the daily schedule.

This is the art station. This is one of Emma's favorite stations.

The reading/story book station. Emma is showing Papa which one is her current favorite. The last week and the upcoming week, they are learning nursery

Baa Baa Black Sheep. Emma is hiding behind there somewhere;)

Math time IS her favorite subject/station currently.

They have also been reading a lot of Dr. Seuss books. This is Emma's Cat in the Hat, hat. The handsome gentleman in this shot is Papa(my dad).

This is Ms.L's calender, number, seasons, days wall. They also do a morning routine in this section.

One of Emma's sight word sheets that just happens to be about the Cat in the Hat.

Emma's artwork in the front window. I apologize, but I don't remember at the moment what this was.

Showing her Papa the Baa Baa Black Sheep that she made. The kids were both super excited that Papa got to come see all their hard work.

This is another shot of Henry's classroom. The sight word station.

This is kind of an overall view of Henry's classroom. That's Mrs. A. We think she's pretty cool!

This is a picture done with Henry's footprint. His class is also learning about nursery rhythms and this is Little Boy Blue.

Our proud little man showing off his work:)

He was explaining the pictures to his Papa.

This is a better shot.
We went to school this morning and it wasn't for detention or Saturday school or nothing! Treetops hosted Open House this morning. Papa met us at school and got the full tour by the grandkids. They were so excited that he got to come. Due to work schedules, sickie bugs(poor Nana), previous engagements, and rising gas prices it was just the five of us representing the family. I would have more pictures, but being Mommy, I have to pay close attention to everything and didn't get all the shots I had planed to. This should cover it though. And I'm sure I'll get more shots before the end of the school year.
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