Tuesday, March 01, 2011

On man!!!

Do you remember how I bragged about the kids not being sick since the move? Well, somebody smack me or something because we got the call today from school that all parents dread. The your kid has pink eye call:( Both K classes have been passing pink eye around along with all the other lovely germs. So we decided to pick up both kids and save the extra trip to the pediatricians office.

Mrs. A called and informed me that Henry caught pink eye and that we needed to come pick him up. So I decided to checkout both kids since Emma's eyes were looking kind of almost pink eye-ish. Good thing we picked them both up and went in to see the doc. Both kids have had a cough and some sniffles for about 3 days and we thought it was allergies due to the recent time spent at the old house. We should have known better.

Henry and Emma have got the major germies:) Pink eye, Strep(again), and Flu Type A. Good grief!!! So no school tomorrow. We are hoping that their temperatures come down and stay down so that they can return to school on Thursday. That would be nice since Thursday is their 6th birthday and we plan on taking in cupcakes for both classes. They shouldn't be contagious after tomorrow, but we have to see what their temps do.

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