Emma and I went out with some of the girls tonight for dinner and dessert. Aunt Suza, Aunt Amy(Yaya), and cousin Elysabeth came over and we went to olive Garden for dinner and dessert. We had a great time! We came back to the apartment and gave Beth Beth a tour of the new place and then Yaya and Beth headed home. Aunt Suza stayed and we started to watch Barbie Swan Lake. Not soon after, Emma was asking if she could go to bed. In the meantime, Daddy and Henry made it home and we got them both in bed. Now they are both snoring away and will hopefully sleep in some tomorrow.
Side note-we finished cleaning the old house today, our large donation was pickup, and we hand over the keys on Tuesday. So today we took pictures of all of the paintings we had done in the kids' old room, played in the front and back yards one last time, and said our goodbyes to the house. It was kind of a mixed feelings kind of day. That house holds a lot of memories for us. The kids took their first steps there, said their first words there, and reached and passed so many more milestones. But, as we've told them before, "home" is wherever we are all together, no matter how big or small the space is. We are home:) No more trips back and forth. Life in our "little home" will be back to normal.
And one last thing for this post, I've already said it, but I'd like to say it again, THANK YOU to our families and friends who have helped with this move. You ALL helped in one way or another, even if it wasn't with the "actual" move. Without your love and support, this would have been really difficult to do. We love you all so very much:)
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