Tuesday, December 28, 2010

Guess What We've Got?

Nothing good...
We woke up the day after Christmas to coughing, sneezing, headaches, and fevers. So we alternated between Ibuprofen and Tylenol to keep the fevers down and spent a decent amount of time in the tub. Mommy woke up without a voice and still doesn't have one three days later! Our pediatrician is great, they squeezed us in with no problem. We had to cancel the eye doctor appointment that we had set up for the kids, but we didn't want to get anyone else sick. Dr. K confirmed what we dreaded, both kiddos have Strep:( On top of that, Henry has a touch of bronchitis and a cold in one of his eyes. So they are both on oral antibiotics and Henry is also on an eye drop for 10 days. Daddy is sick as well with what we hope is only a cold. And Mommy will be officially diagnosed this afternoon. I have a bad feeling that I too have Strep:(

Update-After spending more than an hour waiting to see my doctor, the verdict is in. I have a virus and have to let it run its course. So Ibuprofen for the aches, pains, and headache. And cough drops and throat lozenges for the endless hacking and sore throat that I have. Oh and I'm suppose to get lots of rest...right. Two sick kids and a sick spouse...I'll do my best doc. We hope to be back to good before the kids return to school.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Feel better soon.