Late night after Santa came:)

Henry and Emma finding goodies in their stockings.

Henry showing Granny and Grandpa some socks that he got in his stocking.

Granny and Grandpa sent presents for H and E. They got a Mickey and Minnie ornament and gift cards from Walmart!

Emma had asked for a Rapunzel doll and look what she got!

Henry checking out some How to Train Your Dragon activity books.

They have both seen the commercials and the displays in the store for Pillow Pets and had kind of mentioned that they liked them. So Henry got a puppy pillow pet and...

Emma got a dolphin pillow pet! Which as you can see, she was thrilled!

Daddy made some Christmas Eve purchases at Toys R Us. He picked up some games for their Nintendo DS lites and a robot for each of them. I love the look on Henry's face!

After Emma got all the wrapping off of her robot! Priceless!

Emma, Henry, and Daddy picked out a cover for my Nook. Daddy(Jason) gave me a Nook for an early Christmas present.

And now I can officially say, "They went to Jared's!" The kids picked out a beautiful angel pendant for me!

Daddy unwrapping one of his new shirts. In the background you can see his other big gifts-a second PS3 and a Racing wheel and peddles from Logitech!

Henry and Emma inspecting Daddy's loot.
We had a really wonderful Christmas this year! It started very very early. The kids were wide awake at 3am! So Daddy and I took turns guarding the tree. We held them off until 7amish and then called Grandpa so that we could Skype. Granny and Grandpa wanted to watch the kids open presents. They tore threw the gifts in about 30 minutes. Both were a little disappointed because Santa supposedly forgot some of the things they had asked for. We told them to wait because Santa had made a stop at Nana and Papa's house too and we were told that he had left some gifts for them there. The truth is, I had already finished shopping for them, so Aunt Suza got to be Santa Claus at N and p's house. In the end, they both got what they asked for. I didn't post all the pictures of the day. I'll just say that once again the kids made out like bandits!
We do hope all of you had a wonderful holiday with family and friends.
Merry Christmas from our family to yours!
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