Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Sick Again:(

Our parent/teacher meeting was this afternoon right after school. The kids played with other classmates that stay late due to older sibling not being out yet or after school care buses coming shortly after pickup. So they played on the playground while being monitored by one of the other teachers. I could tell already that Emma wasn't feeling well. I was up last night with her again for a couple hours. She's continued to have the sniffles and sneezing and yesterday said her ears were bothering her again. Henry finished his antibiotics for a sinus infection last week, but the sniffles and the horrible cough have stayed with him. So today after we got home, I called our pediatrician and was told to come in and have them checked. They squeezed us in at 3:30pm and sure enough, Emma has another double ear infection and this afternoon was running a fever of 102.3 and Henry still has tons of drainage so they are both now on a stronger antibiotic and Henry is now on a nasal spray. Since Emma is running a fever she will be home with me tomorrow. We're hoping that this round of antibiotics will get them back to our two happy healthy kids.

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