Sunday, September 22, 2013

My 1st Grade Friends

Untitled by courberogue31
Untitled, a photo by courberogue31 on Flickr.

These little cuties are my first grade friends that I have been substitute teaching. We are about to enter my last official week with them. the following week, Ms. J will return and I will remain for that week during the transition. Friday, we all wore red, white, and blue to celebrate our studies on freedom and the symbols of freedom. This was also our first dress-up day of the year. I have really enjoyed my time with them and have found an even newer respect and admiration for our amazing teachers. My life for the past 2 months has been school 24/7. My evenings have been spent preparing for the next day's lessons, weekends have been spent preparing for the week ahead, finishing grading papers and entering grades, and sending emails to parents. I've done that on top of our normal daily routine of packing lunches, laying out clothes for the next day, making breakfast, making dinner, loving on and taking care of the furry kids, laundry, straightening up the apartment, and homework. Jason has been a huge help and a huge cheerleader! The kids have done pretty well with the lack of mommy time, but are really looking forward to having me back full time. Most likely, I will get certified as a substitute teacher in the near future. Thankfully, Ms. J had everything ready and made my job pretty darn easy.

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