Sunday, September 22, 2013

Cancer Sucks

Please excuse the harsh words, but cancer DOES suck, big time.

This past week we received the news that Jason/Daddy's younger sister, Lisa/Aunt Lisa, has been diagnosed with breast cancer. She is in the very beginning stages of prognosis, treatment, etc. Jason and I have been doing as much research as possible along with the rest of the family. We've also been doing a lot of praying and will continue to do so.

I'd like to ask my blog readers to do a few simple things:

1.For all my female readers-PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE get a mammogram every year even if your insurance does not cover it. Check with your state, there are other agencies that will fund it.

2.Donate to cancer research.

3.In honor of, in memory of, and in celebration of those you know, have known, and do know that are fighting this battle, change your social media icons to reflect your support. Show those that you love that you care. Show the world that you care.

4.PLEASE PRAY, SEND GOOD THOUGHTS, LIGHT A CANDLE for Lisa and all of those out there who are fighting.

I hope to be able to share good news in the near future regarding her prognosis and how things are going.

I HOPE that one day soon there will be a cure.

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