Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Surprise Visit from Granny, Rachel, and the Boys!!!


July Visits, a set on Flickr.

Granny, Aunt Rachel, cousins Christopher and Joseph made the long drive down from WA to visit and help Aunt Lisa during her recovery time with a badly broken leg. And they squeezed in a visit with us today before heading back up to OK and then back up to WA in a couple of days. We packed in a lot of fun in those 6 hours. We got re-acquainted with cousin Christopher and finally got to meet Joseph for the first time. So so glad that we could get to see them even though it was a short visit. Unfortunately, with the move this Summer our plans to go up to WA had to be cancelled. Their visit was just what we needed to bring a little smile back to our faces. Thank you so much for coming and we hope to see you soon!

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