Monday, June 10, 2013

Update 1-Spring Catch Up, Another Announcement, and a Nomination

Post written 5/2/2013

The second half of the school year is always coco puffs crazy busy.  This year it is super busy.  The kids have grown leaps and bounds physically and mentally.  They have both maintained straight As through this year so far.  Both are so much more independent and most of the time that is wonderful, but not always.  We have also re-entered the, "I will argue with you about everything under the sun, just because I can" phase.  It's happening not only between the two of them, but with us as well.  It's a learning experience and most definitely has been testing our tolerance level.

Physically, well, let's just say that probably in a year or two, I will be the short member of the family.  I mean, the shortest member of the family. They are both growing like crazy.  I can't seem to keep these two full for more than a few hours.  Even after a well rounded home cooked meal, I hear, "Mom, I'm still hungry."  Some nights I feel like I've fed a small army with the amount of food they eat.  I know it will continue.  We will be clothes and shoe shopping again soon because there is no way Emma will make it through Summer with what she has in her closet and dresser.  And Henry will need some new things as well.

Daddy has been busy with a lot of work projects and deadlines.  Luckily, these have not required him to travel, but that will change in August for a brief time.  And Summer vacation is being planned around release dates at work.  They keep him busy and we are happy for the job security. He has also been busy heading up the Dallas Personal Robotics Group.  We've attended and competed in several events.  And he is also currently wrapping up plans for Science Day the last week of school.  He'll be showing the kids several experiments and then doing some hands on experiments with them.  And who knows, some of the robots may just make an appearance too!

I have been busy too.  With the help of 3 other moms, I've been working on memory books(scrap books) for 2 of the 3 first grade classes.  27 books total.  I've also been up monitoring classes during end of year testing, doing Kinder-1st grade library, art class with the 1st graders, photographing events at school, and planning Art Day the last week of school.  Lots of volunteer hours that I love.  Spending time with our kiddos and enjoying my time with my Kinder kids and other First grade kids has been a great source of happiness for me.

We are now in the final stretch of the school year.  I know we will all make it and man has the time flown by.  We have been blessed again with outstanding teachers and staff at school.  We've made new friends and more lasting memories.  Things and worries that have weighed heavy on our shoulders have been lifted and I am so thankful for that.

So now we are caught up with the exception of two things.  Both have happened within the last three weeks and both are good.

1)I have been asked and accepted an offer to substitute teach(paid position) one of the 1st Grade classes for the first 1-3 months.  Ms. J(Emma's teacher) will be out on maternity leave with her first child.  I was chosen and asked because I know her room, her procedures and teaching methods, I know most of the Kindergarten kids that are coming up, and school procedures and guidelines. And Ms. J says that I was her number 1 pick.  She feels comfortable with me there covering for her and knows that I will get the job done.  I'm happy to do it.  She has been a FANTASTIC teacher with Emma and her other kids and I have really enjoyed helping in her class and getting to know her.  We are so excited for her and her family.

2)I received a surprise email from Ms. J informing me that she is nominating me for the TEA Heroes for Children Award!  It was meant to be a surprise, but the nominee has to write a short essay that is included in the nomination paperwork.  What an honor!  I was floored!  I volunteer because I like to help out and I can since I am a stay at home mom.  It's easy work and in my opinion, I can't volunteer enough and pay back our amazing teachers and staff at school for all that they do in educating our children and caring for them.

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