Sunday, June 16, 2013

Happy Father's Day!!!

720 by courberogue31
720, a photo by courberogue31 on Flickr.

Wishing all of the wonderful fathers out there a very Happy Father's Day!!! I am so very blessed to have such amazing men in my life. My daddy has a heart full of love and faith, is a generous and giving person ,and has a great sense of humor and has a silly side that only some see. My husband/father to my children, Jason, is so much more than I ever dreamed and hoped for in the man that I share my life with. He has a heart full of love and trust,is a great provider for his family, is a great encourager, is a man of vast knowledge and wisdom, and has been voted the silliest member of our family by the two little people that call him daddy. To my brothers, my father in law, my brothers in law, and my uncles, thank you for being incredible men of God who provide outstanding examples to your family and friends of what fathers and family should be. Wishing you all a wonderful day. I love you and Henry and Emma love you. We think you are the best!!!

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