Sunday, April 07, 2013

Saturday, Park Day

Yesterday, H, E, Chance. and I took a walk to the park.  It was such a beautiful day outside, we went to what the kids refer to as the "red" park. They call it that because the canopy that covered the playground use to be red, but now is green.  So we still call it the red park.  It's not a battle that is worth arguing about:)  We spent a little over an hour there and then walked back home.

 Then the three of us kicked the soccer ball around for about 45 minutes and then Henry and I played catch for about 15 minutes in the backyard.  I foresee a lot more soccer and playing catch in the near future, at least until the temp gets a bit higher and the pool is clean and ready for our two little fish:)  I'm pretty sure that we'll be swimming before school ends next month.

This morning(Sunday), it is looking a bit grey outside.  So unless the sun burns it all off, it may be an inside day or back patio day.  And some of it will have to be an entertain yourselves type day.  This mommy has a small list of chores that MUST be done today so that this week runs smoothly.

The pictures below show some of their goofing around at the park.  And you should easily notice just how big our nuggets are getting.

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