Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day/Have A Heart Day!!!

Untitled by courberogue31
Untitled, a photo by courberogue31 on Flickr.

Henry and Emma would like to wish everyone a Happy Valentine's Day!!!

At school, we celebrate today a little differently then most. Our V-Day parties are postponed until the day after Valentine's Day.

Today we celebrated, Have a Heart Day! Kindergarten thru 12th grade go out and volunteer and lend a helping hand to the people of our community. The 1st grade classes sent handmade Valentine's Day cards to the Ronald McDonald House of Fort Worth, collected $178 to donate to the Ronald McDonald House, took a tour and had story time at the City of Euless Library, and had a picnic lunch and then picked up litter at a local park.

We all had a great day and the kids look forward to it every year and so do I. It is my favorite field trip day of the year. Not only is it fun, but it teaches the kiddos to have a charitable heart.

Love the ones you love. Give them hugs and kisses and tell them you love them. Don't just do it on this special day, but every day:)

"Train a child in the way he should go, and when he is old he will not turn from it." Proverbs 22:6

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