Sunday, January 20, 2013

Mid School Year Review

I thought I'd get everyone caught up with what has been happening at the Henriksen house for the last few months.  We've been busy with school.  The kids are thriving and are having another great year.  We love our teachers!  Ms. J and Ms. J are incredible teachers and keep the kiddos interested in all of their subjects.  They keep us very well informed on the progress being made and  also alert us to any problem areas.  Henry's teacher has gone above and beyond with helping him with reading issues due to his dyslexia and has applied a lot of  techniques in class which have also helped some of the other kids.  Emma's teacher has also gone above and beyond to help her with any issues in math, which is a hard subject for her.

I've been volunteering a lot again at school this year.  Remember, I had homework for school even before it started back in August.  This year I have assumed the role of Kindergarten and 1st Grade librarian in the Kinder building and am teaching an art class on Friday afternoons during Specials time.  I also sub, am known as the official photographer for 1st thru 3rd grade, help during tutoring time, and do whatever I can to help the teachers.  And this year I am also working on memory books or cds for two of the three 1st Grade classes.  It has been and will continue to be a busy year.  I am also looking into software for our little libraries so that we can be better organized and really know what we have.

 I am very happy to say that Henry and Emma have done very well this year with their studies.  Homework time most days is not such a chore or torture session as it was last year.  We have a really good routine down and it works for them.  We cover a lot of information every day, but it pays off every week and they are retaining  what they are learning.  We study spelling words, words to know, challenge words, 3-4 short poems per week, and read at least 20 minutes or more per kiddo each night.

As of this week, the difficulty level on their words has gone up, but they are still trying and both did well on their spelling test this week.  We have just finished the 2nd nine weeks and official grades will be posted next week.  I have it on pretty good authority that both kiddos have straight As again this nine weeks!

Oh, and the classes have been working on writing and illustrating their own class books, which will be published soon!  I have been helping with those too and can't wait to see the finished work!

Emma is continuing to amaze us with her artwork.  She loves social studies, science, and language arts, and is working hard in math.  She's a great helper in class.  And she has two best buddies this year.  They are inseparable and do everything together at school.

Henry is our numbers man.  He loves math, telling time, keeping score, and keeping his class on schedule.  Science is his second favorite.  He loves building things with Daddy and has become increasingly interested in robots.  He too has some best buddies this year.  And Ms. J says that she loves having him in class.  He's her helper too!  He is also doing well in language arts and social studies.

Daddy has been busy at work and has taken on a second big project at work that will keep him super busy for the next two months.  It is still something new and different every day and that is the way he likes it.  He is also still very involved in the Dallas Personal Robotics Group and was just re-elected as president of the club this past Saturday!  There is always a robot or robots of some sort in the house.  It has become a family thing.  Henry and Emma help Daddy build and even know how to control the robots and Mommy has helped judge a competition, taken photographs, and video taped events.

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