Sunday, October 07, 2012


We touched base on this the first two years of Kinder with both kiddos.  It was concluded that at that time it was more of a development issue and not dyslexia.  Well, jump ahead to this year and the increase in the signs of what we suspected this whole time.  Emma still reverses some letters, but usually catches herself and can correct it.  Henry on the other hand has continued to have difficulties with reversing letters, remembering letter sounds, daydreaming, and having a hard time reading.

Jason is dyslexic and it is know to be hereditary.  All of the signs with Henry have been pointing to dyslexia.  And he has come home frustrated, tired, and full of anxiety because of the trouble he is having with school work.  The poor kid(and I'm sure he'll want to slug me when he is older for posting this) has spent several afternoons and nights crying because of it.  We've talked with him a lot and can usually calm his fears and get him back on track.  And Ms. J(his teacher) has been super cool and has been working with him and encouraging him during school.

And now, with the recent frustration with homework and anxiety about getting his work done at school, we have revisited(we never stopped suspecting, honestly), that he is dyslexic.  I sent an email to Ms. J and our school director stating our concerns.  I've met with both and Henry is now in line for official testing at school.  The only downside is that it is a long process.  He needs help now.

So, since Jason is dyslexic and has learned some of the tricks or ways of learning, he has shown Henry a few things, I am learning how to teach him differently with several methods, and Ms. J has also been working with us and learning and applying it to his work in class. And we have done research into finding out where we can have him tested.  We hope to have that done within the next month, but in the meantime are using the Davis Method with him and are already seeing signs of improvement.

It has been heartbreaking to watch him and try and help him because we see his frustration and know his fears.  And Jason knows exactly how he feels and how he learns and knows what challenges he will face.  BUT, and I am not saying this just because he is our kid, Henry is brilliant and I see a very bright future for him and for his brilliant twin sissy, Emma!

We have always encouraged the kids to do their best and to keep trying when they fail the first time.  And we have also tried and continue to try to show them that failure is part of life, but you get back up and keep moving forward.  Henry is sensitive about a lot of things and this learning disability has really done a number on his self esteem.  I have turned into a homework cheerleader for both kiddos and encourage them a lot each day when we work on homework and in the areas of their interests.

And a lot of famous people were and are dyslexic-

If you see the signs or suspect that your kiddo is dyslexic, have them tested as soon as possible.  Do research and start applying some of the methods.  I bet you will see improvement.  Check with your school's counselor or special ed teachers about testing and ways to help your child. Check with you county's family services department to see if they do testing or can recommend a place that does.  Google it and see if there is a local center or association that has a support group or classes for parents to learn the different methods. Or contact your local children's hospital and see if you can get on their waiting list for testing(be warned, it is a long process from start to finish).

I'm not an expert, but I am doing all of the reading I can on the subject and trying out things with Henry to see if it is something that can/will help him.

And the last thing and the most important, KEEP ON ENCOURAGING your kiddo!  They need to hear your encouraging words.  Take pride in their work.  Be their homework cheerleader!  Believe in them with all of your might because they need that extra little bit.  It goes a long way:)


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