We tagged along with Daddy yesterday since he was headed over that way for the afternoon. While he attended his DPRG meeting/class, we visited with Papa, Nana, Uncle Philip, and Aunt Suza. We spent a good portion of the day outside helping with yard work and running around having fun. Since moving to the apartment, we aren't really close to any parks within walking distance and unfortunately we don't have a playground on site. So the kids needed some outside run around time and we needed a Papa/Nana visit. And Mommy needed a dose of vitamin D to get the immune system pumping again. I've been down with the flu this past week. And the outside time was wonderful!

Picnic lunch on Papa and Nana's porch!

Henry contemplating about taking over the world;)

We helped with some yard work at P and N's house and Emma found a flower while racking.

Emma found a flower in the pile of leaves and was showing Nana.

I promise, we do not promote child labor, she wanted to rake. Although, she was a bit annoyed when we said that she couldn't jump in the pile when she was done.

Henry was a big helper. He helped Uncle Philip make a little flower bed fence for Nana. They recycled wood pieces. Next time we are over there, I'll take a picture of the finished product.

Taunting Emma into racing back to Papa and Nana's house up the street.

If I remember correctly, Emma pulled a fast one on her brother and cut across the lawn to win the race:)

One of the forks of a creek that wanders through Papa and Nana's neighborhood. They recently renovated these bridges and they look really nice and are so much safer.

Aunt Suza, who went on the walk with us, spotted a mallard down in the creek.

Mommy's old neighborhood. Still love this neighborhood and LOVE Nana and Papa's house. It always feels like home:)

It was a beautiful day yesterday and we all needed some vitamin D, so we took a walk and soaked up some rays and used up some pent up energy.

Henry took this picture of one of Nana's potted flowers.

And he took this one of his sissy hangin' from aunt Suza's arms!
If anyone has any ideas on kid friendly digital cameras that aren't too expensive, drop me a line. Henry LOVES taking pictures and I'd like to upgrade his current one to something with a little more umph:)
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