Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Be a COOL KID!!!

We feel it's very important for Henry and Emma to know how fortunate they are to be healthy, have food, clothes, and toys, and be able to do most of the things that they want to do. We also want them to be charitable with their time, money, toys,etc. So we've been trying to do our part the last 3-4 years and donating and or participating in charity events. Most of the links on our side bar are for charities that we support. Would you please join us in helping these charities and either donate money or some of your time to help find cures for these diseases. Be a COOL KID, and be a part of finding a cure for MS, Juvenile Diabetes, Leukemia, Niemann-Pick Disease Type C(NPC), March for Babies(March of Dimes), and the Susan G. Komen Foundation.

We have either a family member or a close family friend who have been effected by each of these diseases. So we are proud to be COOL KIDS and do our part!

Come on, you know you want to be a COOL KID!!!

Be a COOL KID!!!

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