This is Mr. Henry's room. All boy...all the time:) His only complaint was the shadows he saw in the window at night, which are now mostly blocked by the dresser. He's enjoying having his own space and so far, bedtime hasn't been too bad.

This is Miss Emma's room. All girl...all the time:) Her room is a bit bigger, but not by much. As an early bday present, Nana and Papa gave her a full size bed. The bed frame is from my old room once it was turned into the spare bedroom. It's girlie and you know Emma, she loves it!

We'll be getting her a new comforter set for her birthday, but for now, the puppies and kitties work.

This is the master bedroom. We had a hard time configuring the setup, but it works. And yes, there is a lump on our bed. That would be Chance refusing to get up. I plan on purchasing a new comforter set for us and maybe hanging some curtains to give it some more color.

Directly across from the foot of the bed is the doorway to the master bath, but I am not going to bore you with bathroom pictures.

This is taken from the living room looking in on the kitchen. We have a tall bar. The doors on the left towards the back are the laundry room. I am so glad that we were able to get an apartment with W/D hookup. I was dreading lugging laundry to the laundry room. The kitchen is a nice size, but I miss my cabinet and counter top space.To the left of the bar is the entryway hall.

The dining room. This was the best setup for this area as well. We decided to get a rolling pantry for snacks and stuff for the kids since the pantry is small and this makes it easy for everyone. The pantry is to the left right by the chrome selves.

There is a built in computer desk and shelf, so we have set up the kids' desktop there.

The living room. This is maybe a forth of the size of the living room at the house. As a Valentine's Day present we bought the sofa and love seat and the recliner at The Dump(local furniture store) and the two dressers for the kids. The picture doesn't do these justice. I'm looking for some small throw pillows to add in some color and will most likely put up curtains. The door and window open out to the balcony.
I forgot to mention that the kids have their own bathroom, we have a rather large balcony, a car port that is very close, and a garage that is close as well. We are located in the back of the complex which means that the walk up to the office and to the mailbox takes a few. Oh, and we found out the hard way that, the TRE runs pretty close behind our complex. So we hear not only the regular train horn that we use to hear at the house, but the TRE horn which is rather loud since we are so close. The funny thing is, I think all of us are already pretty use to it. Boots, Chance, and the lizards(which are now only two-B.G. and Ella) have adjusted really well.
As of late tomorrow/ possibly Sunday at the latest, we will be out of the house with cleaning and gathering up the last of our stuff done. No more back and forth.
And I am very happy to announce that since the move, Henry's allergies problems have lessened. So much so, that we have not been doing his daily nose spray. As a matter of fact, for the last two weeks, neither one of the kids have been sick or had any kind of allergy sniffles. And I'm feeling better too!
And one last thing, Jason and I have both decided that the next time we move(which will most likely be in a year or so), we are hiring movers. Our family and friends have been a great help to us through all of this, but we aren't going to put ourselves or them through this again. So my only other "move related" job now is to go thru what we have in storage and possibly get rid of more stuff or just label the boxes better.
1 comment:
Your place looks great!! I like the new furniture too!
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