Uncle Philip came with us to the museum and the Henry and Emma loved it! Here they are waiting for the museum to officially open. They let us inside the foyer early because it was very chilly yesterday.

H and E being silly with some of their classmates!

In the main foyer their is a compass design on the floor and outside of that are the astological signs(which from what I've read are now different). Henry and I were searching for letters. and he found one of his favorites "S".

Emma and one of her classmates entertaining themselves while we are waiting for the museum to open. Today was field trip day so several other schools were there with us.

Emma and her buddy I(she is such a sweet little girl). Mommy isn't including names of the classmates for privacy issues.

Henry and one of his best buds G. And yes, they are wearing matching coats!

Henry's class inside the Dinolab. His class has been learning about dinosaurs this week and we were asked to spend some extra time in this exhibit. I wasn't able to get a picture of Emma's class. I can only be in so many places at one time:)

Inside the Dinolab they have many interactive sections. Henry used his computer skills and was searching for the matching tooth fossil.

Leaving the Dinolab. We were not able to do the dino dig this time. It was closed due to the extremely cold weather(it is located outside).

Henry was in awe of this super huge train track. The kids can build on to the tracks and also climb under the tables and pop up at different spots along the track.

We returned to the grocery store several times throughout our visit. Emma was getting her carb fix with a basket full of different bread.

H and E shopping together.

We helped in the nursery-diapered some babies, took their temperatures, their vitals, gave them medicine, and some tender loving care.

When you stand on the circle which has feet printed on it, the giraffe will tell you how tall you are! Henry is currently 3 feet 7 inches!

Dr. Emma Henriksen setting a good example for her patients by also finding out how tall she is. Emma is also 3 feet 7 inches!

And my third kid, oh I mean, my brother/fellow chaperone, Uncle Philip measured in at 6 feet 3 inches!

The camera enlarged things. Emma and Uncle Philip checking out her pretty face!

Henry said that this baby needed to be nose squiggied because he had boogers:)

Henry inside the mouth of a fierce dragon/liz/croc.

This was the entry way to the Energy Blast exhibit/movie. It was like being underwater. the lower half of the walls are covered in different sea plant life, you can see sharks and fish swimming along the walls, and the reflection of the water on the walls. And just as you're relaxing and settling in to the serene atmosphere, there's a big BOOM!!! And you're two five year olds run for the door! Philip and i almost fell over laughing(mean we know, but it was funny)! The boom was from the movie that they run every 10 minutes for this exhibit.

Uncle Philip and Emma learning about oil drilling and some of the machines they use.

Henry learning about the shale-the display screen showed the bounce back of vibrations hitting different soil levels.

The biggest Lite Brite that I've ever seen! I want one!

This is one of the interactive rooms where the kids could experiment with light reflection.

The special glasses bent the lights in strange new ways. I was told it was cool:)

This is one of the many cool things about the children's museum. We are being introduced to a native Rose Tarantuala. Henry thought it was too cool-check out his expression! Emma was looking at the bearded dragon.

Gently touching the spine of the bearded dragon.

The bearded dragon started to move some and it startled the kids a little.

And look

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